Traci Moon

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3–Step Process to Harmonize the MIND and HEART


Being grateful and thankful opens your heart coherence.
ow do we harmonize the mind and heart?

  • The heart independently remembers and communicates in a language separate from our brain, which you may or may not know.

  • When we harmonize the mind and the heart we find empathy, intuition and compassion. This is where we live from our wishes, dreams and desires. Deep perceptivity is available through the mind and heart harmonizing.

  • We process information quicker through the heart than the brain.


Doing this simple 3 step process, you will immediately free your body to let go of stress hormones which will awaken healing chemistry in your body which harmonizes the mind & heart.

Step 1. Touch your heart center,

  • You can touch your sternum with your fingers

  • You can have one hand over your heart

  • or Place both of your hands together in a Prayer Mudra over your chest.

Your awareness will automatically go to the place in your body where you feel this touching sensation. Draw your awareness inside.

Step 2. Slow your breath.

  • Breathe in through your nose at least 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds and let your breath out through your mouth 4 seconds.

  • This allows your awareness to drop from your mind into your heart, this happens automatically.

  • Slowly and deeply, breathe in this way, at least 4 times in order for your awareness to go to the heart center.

  • When you are aware, of this centering move to step 3

Step 3. Create a feeling in your heart

from one or a combination of all of the following: Appreciation, Care, Compassion and Gratitude.

  • Breathe through your heart center, where you feel the touch.

  • This triggers coherence between your mind and heart.

  • This is where you create something new, embrace the process of change in your life from this area.

It is simple to do and very powerful when you want to implement change.

Here is a link to my YouTube video on how to Harmonize the Mind & Heart

Don’t fret if this seems to not work immediately, keep repeating these steps, it takes around 3 days and up to 72 hours for neurons to form the antenna to wire and connect to the Field, where you are then able to create something new.

You must keep repeating what you want, to firmly establish a connection in the Field. Extend outside the limits of your body to discover your new identity.

The mind is not in the body, it is in the Field.

When we choose to make changes in our lives, it is a required condition to create the optimal mind-heart coherence, which is the key to access the door to the subconscious mind.

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