Traci Moon

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How to Have Friends and Family who are in Alignment with Your Life

How to Have Friends and Family who are in Alignment with Your Life

For some of us, there is no separation between our life, love and business goals. We blend them and work with them all on a daily basis. Some things merge and grow, and some things don't work out well together.

I found out all this when I started my tarot reading business. I had problems in my family life, not my own children, rather my christian family members who have not gained the understanding of Astrology, Tarot, Kabbalah, or Past Life Regressions and Akashic Records and Energy Medicine. They were told by the church to avoid such studies, and have no clue what they mean, however, they decided that since I have this knowledge, I am no longer a part of their “family”. So, I was attacked and prodded. Instead of renouncing my knowledge seeking, I just moved out of the family.

At first, I tried letting them know how great business is, but they were not interested in hearing about my accomplishments or good-will”.

They were only interested in my demise and downfall. But I was happy and successful, full of wonder and excitement. Raising my vibration and networking with like-minded individuals and groups.

What I found was, the more I was seeking, the more information that I was able to absorb. On the same note, I was able to bond with people on the same path of Self-Love and Acceptance.”.

I started a book of shadows and began working with the cycle of the moon in order to begin cutting out fears, feelings of being lonely, not having a family, etc. I now work monthly with the moon cycle and have gotten a new routine down. I even started working out with a personal trainer and do Shaolin Martial arts with my children weekly. This was to keep our minds and bodies in shape, focused on loving our bodies and appreciating what we have.

I have a meditation practice and have begun working deeply with other women on a path of self-discovery, self-love and acceptance”.

I study Dr. Gregg Braden who talks about having a heart based consciousness, and Dr. Bruce Lipton who teaches about how your genes are a product of your environment.

And of course, Dr. Joe Dispenza who teaches about creating a new personality in order to create a new personal reality. All three of these doctors, helped me create the life I have today. I am here to share what I have learned this past year, after moving back to the U.S., starting my business and deciding to go forth on my Divine Path. Lets take a deeper look at cord cutting and calling in our soul family.

Cord Cutting and Who is My Soul Family:

Maybe some of you have heard of your “soul family” but don't know how to grasp that because having your blood relatives as family was all you ever have known. Well, unfortunately, some families are raised with a large amount of dysfunction that is passed on through generations

I utilize cord cutting to end family generational abuse, by not passing it on... Although I was not blessed with a high vibration, loving, caring family who would do anything to raise a family with high vibe values (of self-love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, abundance, faith, forgiveness, self-control etc...) I am here to cut out the lower vibrations, by acknowledging them, thanking them for the lessons learned, and then cutting the cords to the toxic people, places and things that are holding people back from their highest purpose. Thoughts are things, therefore old beliefs are also things we can do a cord cutting to in order to set ourselves free.

Set Yourself Free

You will be better equipped to live your life with purpose and self-love despite what the blood relative family members beliefs about you are and not only maneuver through life but thrive and rise above any challenges that come your way. When you allow the old friends and family to live their lives, without you in it, it frees up the energy that they were draining from you, so that you: ”can have love and passion to do things in life that bring you happiness”, which is my motto. When you are doing what you love to do, then you will raise your vibration, therefore, attracting like-minded people into your energy field. This is your new soul family.

I provide understanding and the proper uses of cord cutting in order to retain your energy and to heal your spirit body so that you can generate energy for your own body and soul instead of give away your energy to the vampires. After cutting the cords to toxic friends or family, we call in your soul family by raising your vibration, setting goals and visualizing your future with wishes, dreams, desires and goals using words and thought forms! This is an intricate service I offer on my website for only ( $239. Click the link to pay with Cash App )If you are interested. It takes about 90 Minutes to a feeling of being set free!

Download this as a PDF to print out and use!

List of Friends & Family

Get out a piece of paper and make a list all of the friends and family members you can think of that you

  • want to keep in your life

  • and those that you might want to cut out of your life (or reduce contact with) this year.

When you go through this list of names, ask yourself if this person feels like they are draining or energizing your life. Anyone that is DRAINING your energy, cross them off the list! Ta Da!

Ask yourself:

  • What purpose does this person serve in my life or business on the grand scale of things?

  • Who is served by me keeping this person in my life?

  • Who will I need to become, in order for a healthy relationship and boundaries, to be fulfilled?

Then, ask yourself:

  • Is this person aligned with what I want in my life?

    Cross off all family members or friends that do not feel in alignment with your life purpose.

I have crossed people off my list and reduced contact with them, this does work somewhat, however, I believe it is an essential step to do a cord cutting in order to properly give yourself the healing and cut off the energy that they drain from you completely (instead of just ignoring the situation hoping it will go away). This does not mean they die or go away forever, but any future cords that you decide to nurture (or not) will be on your terms from there on out. This saves you time, energy and money in the long run.

Lastly, ask yourself:

What is the ONE Thing I can do to make life easier this year?

This is what you will work on this year!


Family & Friends List: