Traci Moon

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5 Ways to Be Someone Else's Upgrade!

Be Your Divine Reflection

When you Rise in Love to Yourself, you will raise your vibration so that people desire to be around you because your soul is so positive.

In return, the right people will search for and find you. You will attract a Divine Reflection which is the Real You!

When you evolve, you will find someone to help you evolve further in your truth.

Here are 5 ways to be someone else’s upgrade.

  1. Exercise:

You can start practicing by doing physical fitness, whether its a 5 minute stretch, a short walk, or even an hour work out session. I work out because I love myself. It is not always easy to show up or go through the growing pains, but I show up and work out NOT for a partner to accept me, but rather to accept and love myself by respecting my body, the vehicle for my soul. I crave the strength and endurance to push myself beyond my mind’s boundaries. We are very much capable of more than we think. Move beyond your boundaries, the growing pains are worth the time, energy and effort that you put in. This keeps you young, strong and vital.

My favorite workout is BLOGILATES workout on YouTube with Cassie Ho.

2. Food:

Eat a variety of fresh berries, fruits, and vegetables. They provide vital nutrients, and vitamins for proper body & brain function. When forming new habits, its is essential that your “new personality, which is forming your new Personal Reality”, is properly fed. That which you are then seeking and thriving to be, is subconsciously attracting the type of the lifestyle you desire along with the health that you want in a partner. This indeed will attract your divine reflection. Your partner most likely will just show up outta the blue one day, when you have raised your vibration to the level you desired. It might seem like magick, but it is you level of awareness and understanding on how the universe works. So stay informed on which foods are best for your body. Don’t just fill up on GMO products.

I follow The Food Babe for great information on food

3. Feelings & Needs:

Every day it is important to give gratitude and thankfulness for what you have in your life. When you give energy to the right feelings, your needs will easily become met. If you sense your needs going unmet, it is important to identify what the trigger is and resolve the unmet need. If there is something in your life that is triggering your unmet needs, if you identify it, you can eliminate the trigger or find a way to deactivate it, by meeting your own need. There is a technique I use by the called EFT. Jessica Ortner and her brother have a world summit each year where practitioners, come together to teach us about our energy body, and how emotions get trapped in the body. EFT is a technique I use to release these emotions. The most wonderful thing about this technique, is that you start feeling better in a matter of minutes.

4. Meditation:

Start a meditation practice. I know, I also don’t like sitting down to calm my mind, but just like exercise, we have to train our body with our mind. Showing up is part of the battle. Just show up. It’s better than not showing up! It is important for your mind to be clear on your intentions, and desires for your life purpose. You can start with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey’s 21 Day Meditation Practice that they hold twice a year. This is a great place to start. If you like to sit in the morning in the sun, this too is a good opportunity to take when calming the mind. There are numerous ways to meditate. Find one that works for you! is also full of video-based courses that you can purchase with lifetime access. I joined Davidji’s The Art of Meditation Online Course to learn the secrets of meditation because I am just starting out and would like to reduce my stress, worry and fear. He worked for many years teaching at Deepak Chopra’s Meditation Center. He gives practical advice and techniques on how to integrate daily meditations into your life. Here are some of my favorite YT meditation videos : THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT and QUICK CHAKRA TUNEUP or the full session: ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING MEDITATION MUSIC

Subscribe to This is my favorite blog post: How to Balance Emotions by Balancing Chakras. I listen to the videos contained within this blog at the same time I play in another window, the Butterfly Effect, overlapping the two. Find what works best for you! These are ways to elevate your vibration and cleanse your aura. The Butterfly Effect reminds us that every little action has a reaction, causing a ripple effect. No matter what you are trying to change, it is important to work with energy to enjoy life.

5. Study:

Pick up a topic you want to start learning and dive in! The more you learn about yourself and different subjects in the world, you will start to attract someone that is also interested in the subjects you are interested in. If you don’t study, you might not have anything to talk about. Keep learning and exercising your mind! You are never too old to learn something and evolve. We live in the age of technology and communication. Anything you want to learn is at your fingertips! Have fun, relax and enjoy.

I subscribe to Infinite Waters on YT
Check out Ralph Smart here: INFINITE WATERS YouTube Channel

I joined Living Astrology with Tyler Penor in 2018. His Astrology Program at which incorporates the wisdom and healing by understanding the Living Nature of Astrology. Take his Mini-Series: Beyond the Horoscope on Youtube! Find the Truth to the Journey of the Heart.

I absolutely LOVE Rebecca Campbell’s Online Video Course: DISCOVER YOUR COSMIC BLUEPRINT Awaken your higher purpose, develop your intuition, and incorporate her enlightened tools related to soul journeys!

When you put into a practice the 5 ways to be Someone Else’s Upgrade you will surely find other people on your new vibration. Have fun, and check out my youtube channel for informational videos!

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