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Consuming The Gods

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Consuming The Gods

By Jonathan Hectoncheires Lykiaos

Consuming The Gods

This refers to a Left Hand Path inversion of worshipping Gods.

Rather than viewing a God/Demon as a sacred entity, one who utilizes them as a nutrient they wish to inherit or a mode of character they wish to experience. The actual methodology of this notion is founded in the ideology of the Individualist Chaos Magician vs. the RHP "prayers" and hymns.

The difference between an Invocation and a Prayer is the viewpoint on the appeal. An Invocation is a forced act on reality, a Prayer is a petition to some sort of abstract "superior" being of a collectivist construct. The magician may try to simulate an appeal as if that was the only capability however, Invocations of Deific Masks take full effect easily.

What is a Deific Mask?

A Deific Mask is a form of thought or type of thought that is personified with very specific qualities. Deific Masks are also commonly known as God-Forms or Archetypes. Deific Masks may be taken from any source of religious lore or scripture and apply the interpretation of "food" or nutrients to any type of character within that paradigm. What makes the possibility of Deific Masks edible is the mental medium of Chaos, which can be referred to as simply "the universal mind" which is connected to our thoughts and intellect. The first Hermetic Principle states that All is Mind. Applying this Principle should be as literal as possible. Chaos "contains" all Deific Masks from all religions and cultures since our Mind can interact with them or manifest them simply by thinking.

There are many out there who would like to claim that Gods, Demons, Angels etc. are aliens, all demons, or as literally existing conscious beings that would be no different than someone speaking in front of you. The simple reality is as, for example, if one wore to look up Zeus in a dictionary, that is exactly what Zeus is and nonetheless. The subtle symbolism of Deific Masks should be considered by the consumer for the needs of their spiritual diet.

A person may be fascinated with lightning, they may want to consider invoking Zeus as a basic example. One might need more confidence or lacking is rather vague in comparison with the above selection example because, performed properly, any Deific Mask could easily boost one's confidence. The virtue here is to consider one's personal definitions of "sacred" or aesthetic preference. Just as one were to select their favorite type of music, should they also do so with Deific Masks.

How does it work?

When one invokes a Deific Mask (DM for short) for consumption, the Mind is processing this identity from Chaos itself and one could just to commune with the energy and let it "float" or allow the energy to be drawn inward and be consumed by the Black Magician. From the symbolism of barbaric rites of Demonic Evocation could allow consumption from invocations to be derived thereby.

A most basic method is focusing on a chosen name or sigil of a Deific Mask up through the spinal column or throughout one's entire body. It is much recommended to use more expanded symbolism for extended artistry (circles/triangles, diagrams etc.) which amplifies the effect of the operation considerably. A good example is to visualize the name going through chakra points. Using Circles and Triangles makes the effect of invoking DMs to have a much proportionally larger buildup and benefit nutritiously. Using Words is also very important and it is also important to be careful what is said and speak at a rhythm and level of comfort to assure one's exact intent is well said. An enumeration of suggestions for words to use in a consumption rite will be provided in the next section.

When one invokes a DM for consumption, one can use it solely for personal benefit or command reality to shift by one's Will through the Mind. After invoking a DM, one's thoughts are sent through into Chaos during the invocation and then processed to effect reality by one's choice for goals such as job promotion or obtainment of material goods. Any goal could be manifested by any Deific Mask. The important note to keep in mind is that one should first practice with a few they feel inclined to and thereby learn what a DM's specific formula or feeling is just by reading it's name. Reading about lore from a mythos of interest also is a good suggestion for inspiration.

How to Consume the Gods

  1. Select and feel what symbolism or attributes one wishes to acquire

  2. Select interface or method of consumption (circle, triangle, diagram, sigil, name)

  3. Focus on chosen symbolism until energy buildup has been established

  4. Direct energy inward

  5. Speak intent or chosen recitation

  6. Let go of the rite

Steps 3-5 could be done all at once through practice. Step 1 is very important to consider one's options. From a Luciferian standpoint, one may consider Lucifer as the Bringer or Light or intellect/reason for illumination. A more personal aspect like Strength or Fire could be done from the Greek pantheon (Kratos for strength or Apollo or Hephaestus for fire) or from a symbology of one's personal inclination. From the perspective of Daeva-yasna, animal instincts, especially predatory (known as Khraftras in Yatuk Dinoih) in a Left Hand Path context for the experience or attribution of the chosen animal. Extinct species including dinosaurs could also be utilized. In step 2, the selection could be pretty simple from a grimoire or created or visualized as simple or detailed as possible. The interface could be either using a diagram such as the Qliphoth or the Tree of Wyrd from the Order of Nine Angles. Sigils associated with the pathways of both should be included for a full beneficial effect with a significant impact (such as sigils for the Demons of the Tunnels of Set or the Dark Gods) by visualizing the pathway and visualizing the sigil of the chosen DM going up the spinal column or directed throughout the body. One could simply visualize the name of the DM coming out of a double circle or simple circle (double is recommended) or in the form of a circle within a triangle or double triangle. The circle could also be doubled while leaving the triangle simple. Good examples of these are given in Michael W. Ford's books and the metaphysical explanation is Peter J. Carroll's works.

Example working:

Visualize a dual triangle with the sigil of a Goetic demon (or name of DM or sigil according to preference) and think of the energy being directed completely into your body. Take this energy and let it sink inward and spread naturally. Shaking is an indication one is absorbing the energy for a sudden chill or quakiness has been sensationalized in the body. As the consciousness of the Deific Mask is being absorbed one may begin step 5:

Some examples of recitation:

"I invoke and devour_____into me! I invoke all of thy qualities and abilities into my total self so that I inherit thy Power within my Fists!

"I invoke_____in consumption and communion to manifest_____absolutely, no matter what, without cure or remedy as my commandment upon reality!"

Culture specific:


"I invoke and devour Lucifer deep within myself to liberate me, illuminate me, and deify me so that I inherit the Black Flame of Gnosis and thus consume deeply into my Daemon."


"I invoke Horus deep into me and devour thy Ka, Ba, Heka, and Sekhem deep into myself so that I inherit they agility and sense of justice to reign upon this earth!"


"I devour Atazoth to experience the raw defiance of the Sinister within me so that I gain thy precious authority upon this universe by the Power of Chaos!"


"I invoke and devour Zeus deep within me and all of thy guts and organs to manifest myself as Theos Epiphanes (God Manifest) with thy thunder and lightning!"

These are rough examples for recitations during a consumption rite of a DM regardless of cultural or religious association. The effect is instant upon step 6. It is best to perform 3-5 with eyes closed although, not necessary. If so, one can perform step 6 by opening the eyes. If desired result is obtained, it should be felt for certain and feel inspiring. If one is feeling dissatisfied or weak, one should do it again until it is corrected. A good example to redo an invocation or words were said that are spoken incorrectly or nervously, one could say "and nothing may contradict this" to correct if one said a word they did not want although, during invocation it should be noted it should feel correct during the process. It is best to focus with as much intensity or ritualistic fervor as possible to create the largest effect possible.

Results of Practice

After an Invocation of chosen DM, one should feel the exact feeling of the DM and then that DM's personality or thinking. Physical attributes such as feeling faster or burlier depending on DM should also be felt and distinguished. This effect could either be weak or significant based on the effort and effectiveness of the rite. Over time, practicing causes one to become more intelligent and have circumstances magickally manifest in lucky and abundant ways. The overall physical health and outlook should also become considerably more and more improved over consumption. It is suggested to take about 15-45 minutes of practice a day or whenever alone. Consuming Deific Masks impacts the Ego or Total Self (Daemon, True Will, Ba, Black Flame, Fravashi) of the Magician. Authentic expressions and ideas of character begin to rapidly flesh themselves out over time. The True Will should replace any mundane consciousness over the duration of one's passage through the LHP in the symbol of the Predator.

*Practicing is also safe and controlled directly by the operator in all areas of function. DMs do not influence worldview or actions from a personal perspective. It works the same as eating.

One should always be able to adapt their own flair when it comes to personalizing invocatory practice.

Combining Deific Masks

Deific Masks can also be concocted for a wide range of effects. The Egyptians and Greeks used to practice this in regards with their religion. It is recommended to remain within the chosen culture for combinations. Some pantheons are better suited for combinations than others. Greek, Ahrimanic, and Egyptian are excellent for this aspect of practice. Sinister or Lovecraftian is best to utilize the DMs by themselves. One can easily create a virtually limitless amount of mixtures. For Speed and Strength, one can utilize Hermes-Ares or a more abstract example is Aphrodite (Beauty)-Hades (Underworld). Babylonian/Sumerian is also excellent for combinations. Using epithets at the end of a Deific Mask also changes it's effect. Examples include Taurokeros (Bull-horned), Lykiaos (Wolf), Keranos (Thundering). For example, Zeus Lykiaos was a common Greek enumeration on Zeus.

A Note On Evocation

Evocation is used to mainly affect world circumstances. For example, directing the force of a DM into a sigil or edifice for charging. Evoking without such and edifice allows the force to manifest outside of the operator. One could either utilize this presence for pious communion or draw the energy inward for consumption.

In Conclusion

Consuming Deific Masks is an effective way to illuminate oneself upon the Left Hand Path as opposed to the literal worship of deities. One could use this technique to heal psychology issues or common negative thought patterns. Eating upon their guts and organs in a ritualistic play is a personal deification in the process of becoming spiritually stronger in the various aspects of reality, embodying their emanations as Ahriman or Typhon.

In Egypt, Unas went to Heaven and devoured the Gods. In Greece, Kronos sought to devour his divine children. In Zoroastrianism, Ahriman seeks to devour the creative flame of Ahura Mazda (or Atar).

The symbolism of eating the Gods could be applied to medieval or Satanic practices such as the Qliphoth.

The Powers of the Mind is yours for the taking.