Traci Moon

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πŸ’œπŸ’› 5 Languages of Love and 6 Keys to Self Love

What is Your Language of Love?
How to Apply the 5 Languages of Love.

It is absolutely possible to be a combination of any the 5 languages of love.

Start implement the language of love into your life and of those you love, today!

Here is a list of the 5 Languages of Love by Gary Chapman. Take note of the order in which you resonate with the following, you may want to write these down.


  • Maybe you wake up and want to leave a love note for your children, partner, spouse or parent to let them know how much you appreciate them. It can even be a secret love note that you leave on a sticky note on the mirror in the bathroom or a note in their lunch that you made for them.
    β€”My daughter always draws pictures and includes a love note, letting me know how much she loves me. This is an act of loving kindness that can mean the world to the ones you love.

  • Talk about the great qualities that your love has around them. Others will follow suit.


  • β€œActions speak louder than words”. When you clean the house, fold the laundry and cook dinner these can be seen as acts of service. Sometimes these acts can go unnoticed until the person doing these services starts slacking due to feeling under-appreciated.

  • For example: People who take care to manage daily activities so that everything runs smoothly are giving of their time as an act of service.
    They are not a β€œservant” however! Perhaps, it’s a good idea to define what β€œacts of service” means to you and how it can be applied and appreciated within the relationship.


  • You can not buy love, rather a gift is a visual reminder to show you care and love your partner. In this language, it’s nicer to show someone you love them instead of saying you do.

  • Buying your loved one something that reminds you of them, is a token of love. Picking some flowers, or finding a special gift just for them is a joy to the giver and the receiver.


  • Being able to share time together on a country drive, fishing, concert, art opening and even just sitting in the living room listening to funny stories is showing the person you are with that you enjoy spending time doing things together.

  • Taking time to listen to their wishes dreams and desires as well as exchanging ideas in conversation shows that you are there for them and that they matter.


  • After a long day at work, it is nice to give your partner a hug upon seeing them. Maybe a good foot rub or back rub on the couch while relaxing can make your partner feel good that you have a regard for their well being.

  • My children and I have massage day at least once a week. We use the β€œMA Roller for Very Deep Relaxation. A Tool for Renewal and Wholeness”. This way we all get to spend quality time together while rubbing each others backs.

  • Find out more about the MA Roller here:The MA Roller

    Now that you know the 5 Languages of love, let’s take a look at how to apply this language into your life.

    Whether you are in a relationship with someone or not…
    Love Yourself First by Putting Into Practice
    the 5 Languages of Love. 


    I wanted to get to the heart of the matter and talk about how to develop a language of love with ourselves in the way we set boundaries with ourselves. I will give you tips on how to develop a loving relationship with yourself, so that you can have a rewarding relationship with others by implementing the 5 Languages of Love.

  • Each relationship is unique. It is a good practice to be there for yourself and listen to your inner guidance to get you through the day. When you connect with your higher self, in the morning, you are giving yourself full attention to be thankful in the present moment. When you allow yourself to have undivided attention you experience love for yourself. 

  • Connect to your Higher-Self. This helps you consciously make a decision to leave judgement behind and practice with a purpose, ways to listen to your higher-self in order experience love. We are all doing our best to gain a higher level of consciousness. We are bound to have negative moments, but this is an opportunity to evolve personally. 

  • Sometimes we can be our worst enemy. We beat ourselves up better than anyone. It is important to set healthy boundaries that you don't wish to cross. When you set the boundary, honor yourself by setting the limit as to not cross over it. This will empower you to have a conscious and loving relationship with yourself. When you honor yourself and your boundaries, others will too. You must first know what it is that you clearly want and communicate them so you can embrace harmony. 

  • You must know what behavior is unacceptable and establish your values by defining what they mean to you and why they are important. If you find yourself unhappy if some things are present in your life, this indicates that this is where to draw your boundary. 
    Be clear with yourself and set a repercussion if you or others violate the boundary you set. 

  • Reward and allow yourself to acknowledge the blessings in life. Often times we forget to celebrate our wins. It is important to enjoy feeling worthy and support yourself for the sacrifices you have made to be in a healthy relationship with yourself. This is the art of giving and receiving so that you can connect with yourself more deeply. 

  • Schedule in quality time for yourself to connect with others so you can experience the shifts that you have set for yourself in the relationship. It is good to give hugs or get a massage so that you have physical contact with others. And allow time for yourself to reflect on the changes that have been happening. I suggest using a book of shadows to record the changes that you are setting for yourself. 

  • Be compassionate, conscious and open in communication so that you actively connect with loving yourself. When you love yourself, it is easier to offer your loved ones an act of kindness. These loving gestures can be better than purchasing a gift because it shows how much you care for yourself (or someone else) by gauging how you feel.  

    I offer cord cutting rituals to toxic people, places and things. When you cut the etheric cords to toxicity in your life, it seals the wound where the cord was attached, allowing you to fill in the gap with loving white energy so that you are able to put your energy into reaching your highest potential. You can do this with me over the phone from the comfort of your sacred space. When you do this, it allows you to be set free. You will feel lighter and instantly get your energy back.

  • Get a Cord Cutting Ritual by Inquiring directly to Traci Moon:

πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’š 6 Keys to Self-love πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’š

Do you want to make love a reality in your life? Then these 6 aspects are an essential component to your life that you must deepen to attract fulfilling relationships.

It is emphasized by Gregg Braden that in order to make your prayers fulfilled, you must resonate with the Feeling emanating from your heart. I encourage you to resonate with the following 6 essential components to discover your true self, which is pure consciousness.

πŸ’œ Appreciation: give & do

First of all, you must show yourself Appreciation. Give yourself credit where credit it due! Either tell yourself that you appreciate yourself for adding value to your life or Do something for yourself to acknowledge the aspect of yourself that you admire. An example of this might be: looking at yourself in the mirror and saying β€œWow, you really did a good job today, thank you!” or Take yourself out on a walk, down your favorite path, to a cafe to enjoy your presence in the world.

πŸ’š Nurturing:
kind words, act of kindness, sympathy

The second key to self-love is to care for yourself every day by nurturing yourself with kind words. Louise Hay was known for positive affirmations and mirror work. Take at least 5 minutes to deeply care about how you talk to yourself. Do something nice for You by taking the time to reflect on what your needs are and how you, yourself can fulfill them. This will help love flow naturally to you because you are connecting with the divine matrix field, your true-self. Show yourself sympathy, by observing, rather than judging.

πŸ’œ Spiritual Communion: with others and nature

Third key is, to share your sacred thoughts and intimate communication through Communion with either other like-minded people or nature, making them/it an essential part of your life and routine.

πŸ’› Respect: honor

The fourth key to self-love is Respect. You are worthy, and have special personal qualities or abilities that you are able to hold in esteem and honor. Choose those qualities and reference them often when you are feeling doubtful. For example: I use EFT as a way to reinforce the concept that I love and accept myself right where I am at. This is an act of respect and self-love.

πŸ’œ Self-esteem: value

The fifth key to self-love is Self-esteem where you possess the confidence to evaluate your skills and decide where you want to be in the world. When you give yourself the freedom to be who you truly are created to be, you will naturally allow others their freedom, because you recognize them as a reflection of the divine.

πŸ’š Sharing: apportion

The final key to self-love is Sharing. When you are able to participate in and enjoy the actions of giving and receiving, you are truly contributing in the essence of the divine path to love. By sharing you are participating in the infinity of love that the divine matrix has to offer which is then reciprocated equally.

If you are interested in a Cord Cutting session Contact Traci Moon Directly

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Do you have a creative way in which you speak a particular love language, Leave a comment below. I would like to read your comments!

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