Traci Moon

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The Importance of Community in Magick 2023

The Importance of Community in Magick

Dear fellow practitioners of Magick,

 As we navigate through our spiritual journeys, we often find ourselves drawn to the solitary path. We work alone, meditate alone, and spend countless hours studying ancient texts and perfecting our craft.

However, as E.A. Koetting once said,

"It's easy to become isolated, to become a solitary practitioner, but the truth is, that's a recipe for disaster."

The truth is that community is an essential part of our spiritual growth.

As Michael W. Ford once wrote,

"Community is the soil that feeds our roots, the water that quenches our thirst, and the air that nourishes our spirit." It is through our connections with others that we learn, grow, and thrive.


I learned this lesson the hard way.

For years, I worked alone, keeping my practice hidden from the world. I thought that I was strong enough to handle everything on my own. However, when I made a mistake, I found myself completely alone. Nobody knew what I was struggling with, and I barely survived.


That experience taught me the importance of actively seeking support and connecting with other like-minded individuals.

Through community, I found the accountability, learning, and support that I needed. I learned new skills and tools, and I craved connection, inspiration, and mindset shifts that I couldn't find on my own.


As magick practitioners, it is important to have community to hold us accountable, challenge us, and inspire us.

Others help us grow, to push us outside of our comfort zones, and to support us when we stumble. The connection that comes from sharing our experiences, our struggles, and our triumphs with others who understand our path, is highly valuable.

In conclusion, I encourage you to Join my FB Community as a part of your magickal journey. Find others who share your beliefs, attend events, and engage in online groups. Connect with like-minded individuals who can help you grow, support you, and inspire you to become the best version of yourself.

Infernal Bliss,

Traci Moon
Tarot Master & Black Magick Practitioner