Traci Moon

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7 Things You Should Know About Etheric Cords

What is an Etheric Cord or Energy Cord

  1. An energy cord is a high frequency communication that is directed back and forth between people.

    A strong connection can be created between people and Egregore as well as other astral entities. We can transmit energy and communicate telepathically through these cords. When we are in a healthy relationship there is a mutually beneficial energy exchange, however you can also get drained through this cord.

  2. We generate energy and absorb it from our natural surroundings.

    We get energy from food, sunshine, and the activities that we enjoy.
    BUT there are some people unable to generate or absorb energy on their own, so they steal it from you! These energy vampires prey on kind, empathetic and generous people. Essentially they are Eating your Energy.

  3. Your family is sustained on your life force.

    Children, elderly and the sick as well as men in general naturally have less energy and need your care, your love, your time and energy.
    They are sustained on YOUR life force. It is a natural way of life. In a healthy relationship, there is a fair exchange. We all give and receive something.

  4. Unfortunately, sometimes people do not wish us well and they get attached to us.

    We may leave relationships but the cords between us are still active, we become drained of our energy by these people who are no longer in our physical contact.

  5. How do you know that you are dealing with a toxic person or energy vampire in your life?

    After an interaction some symptoms you may feel are:
    Exhaustion, Depression, Nausea, Headache, Stomachache, Anxious
    Feeling Stuck or that you can’t make decisions due to a feeling of being controlled, Stressed, irritable, Angry for no reason.
    This person constantly comes into your thoughts and dreams, Heaviness, Unpleasant thoughts rewinding over and over.

  6. These symptoms are due to an unresolved etheric connection which is holding you back from living your life.

    These cords have imprints of betrayals, painful and traumatic experiences from past relationships.If you do not resolve these imprints, they will be carried over as soul memory through many lifetimes. You will attract the same people into your life and this is potentially projected onto other relationships.

  7. When you sever this cord to an unhealthy person place or thing, you will instantly feel lighter at peace and have harmony.

    Your energy will return. This is a safe and effective way to get your energy back.

    Now that you know about etheric cords, I will move on to the items you must have in your cabinet for a Cord Cutting Ritual

    First of all it is a good idea to have a designated place in your house to put an altar where you can have your items at hand when you need them. Some of the items you will need in order to perform a Cord Cutting Ritual are the following:

    1. Candles: Element Fire:

    You can designate a color for the type of intentions you set.

    For Example: White: Purity, Pink: Love, Red: Passion

    2. Incense: Element Air: This is a must for this ritual. The best choices are:

    • Dragons Blood has many uses.

    • Burning this resin provides courage and protection as we enter the spirit world. It is used to heal wounds and stop bleeding. This burned resin will prepare the space when calling forth the energy bodies. It also contains anti-tumor and anti-bacterial properties. It is good for digestive and intestinal health as well. In this case, spiritual digestion. Planet: Mars

    • Myrrh will be used in preparation for this ritual for purification.

      The resin may be burned to release its properties into the air. When the resin is harvested from the cuts in the tree bark, it swelters from the cuts. This waxy material hardens and is then used for protection and healing. We will use it to connect to the spirit / energy bodies in order to cut the cord. Planet: Mars

    • Frankincense resin is used in preparing this ritual to clear the air of any negative energy and replace it with high vibrations.

      We will use the smoke from this resin to cleanse and purify by using a feather to fan around the person, atmosphere, and the objects we will use. It speeds in healing and reduces scarring. Planet: Sun

    • Sage is used to purify your space and to smudge your body.

      This will eliminate any negative energy in the atmosphere. It will lighten your energy body and bring peace to your mind, quickening the senses. It is used to relieve and alleviate any grief or sorrow you experience. Planet: Venus

    3. An Athame, Element Metal: This is a ceremonial blade embellished with a black handle.

    This magical tool is used during banishing rituals. It is not used for actual physical cutting, rather it is used to direct the etheric fire energy during the cord cutting ritual. Any kitchen knife can be substituted. Planet: Sun

    4. A Chalice, Element Water: is used to hold the magical water element mixed with Himalayan salt.

    Water is a feminine principle evoking procreation and creativity. We will use it to cleanse and heal the etheric wounds. A bowl can be substituted. Planet: Moon and the Goddess. This union of male and female, god and goddess, fire and water. This is alchemically the union of opposites.

How Can I Apply this Knowledge in My Life Today?

I suggest getting a cord cutting done with me. I will lead you step by step how to do this. Once your energy body understands how to do this, and you practice, it will come easier for you, but in the beginning, it is always a good idea to have someone like myself lead you through this process. It takes about a half hour to complete the cord cutting. We can also cut more than one cord as there are usually more than just one cord that is holding us back. You do not have to have the ingredients or be in my physical presence in order for me to cut these cords. Just like you do not have to see me in person in order to have your tarot cards read. You will feel instant relief. When you sever this cord, you will instantly feel lighter, at peace and have harmony. Your energy will return.

Get a Cord Cutting Appointment

What we will cover during a Cord Cutting

Recognize & Release Karmic Ties:

It is possible you are in a karmic relationship. You may have made promises to each other, possibly in another lifetime.
When you release the vows you made with a toxic partner, you will feel lighter, opening the avenue for joy to flow back into your life!

Cord Cutting:

This is the medicine for your soul. We may leave relationships but the cords between us are still active, we become drained of our energy by these people who are no longer in our physical contact. These cords have imprints of betrayals, painful and traumatic experiences from past relationships. If you do not resolve these imprints, they will be carried over as soul memory through many lifetimes.
You will attract the same people into your life and this is potentially projected onto other relationships.

When you sever this cord, you will instantly feel lighter at peace and have harmony. Your energy will return.

Connect With Your Soul Family:

This is a guided meditation that will attract your Soul Family and call Soul Mates into your life.
You may feel rejected by immediate family members who are not on the same spiritual path as you right now. You will discover the tools to call in your soul family into your life so that you are supported and surrounded by people who love and respect you.

Meet Your Soul Mate:

This is a guided hypnosis to draw in your Soul Mate. Build this image by adding the character traits, knowledge, skills, experience and moral standards that you wish to attract. Start to imagine how this person will come into your life and how you will meet by setting crystal clear goals.

You are the creator of your life and it is a blessing to have your soul mate to appear out of thin air by visualizing this attraction. You can find clarity and set your intentions by using the law of attraction to make your soul mate manifest!

Healing Light Visualization:

This is a guided meditation where I help draw healing light into your body, cleansing, removing all the pain, fears, traumas, painful memories, limiting beliefs, addictions, and painful memories. Replacing them with Love, Joy, and Bliss.


Traci Moon — The Luxury Witch

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