Traci Moon

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Become Your Own God by Cultivating Your Personal Power (2023)

Become Your Own God

by Cultivating Your Personal Power Without Relying on Outside Sources

Many people look to external sources to feel powerful or godlike, such as wealth, fame, or authority. However, true power and magick comes from within.

Own your power and harness this personal power which leads to godliness and inner strength.

In this post, lets explore how to tap into your personal power and achieve your godlike state without relying on outside sources. Plus, I'll offer tips on how to cultivate your personal power and connect with your inner divinity.

Understand Personal Power

Personal power contains the ability to achieve and create the life you desire.

Make decisions and take the actions required to create the life you desire with ease. Your strength, magick and power come from within. This energy is not reliant on any external source. Tap into your personal power to feel confident, skilled, and strong.

Cultivating Personal Power

Cultivate your personal power and tap into your inner godlike nature using the following techniques.

  • Self-Awareness:

Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, beliefs and values. Understand your desires better by allowing yourself to make decisions in align with your will, desires and beliefs.

  • Personal Responsibility:

Responsibility for your life and your actions gives you personal power. When you take ownership of your choices, and move out of the victim mentality you start to feel in control and more powerful.

  • Self-Expression:

Express yourself authentically, by speaking your truth. Expressing yourself freely allows you tap into your creativity and personal power.

Have love and passion in life to do things that bring you happiness –Traci Moon


Develop a mindset allowing yourself work through challenges to see them as opportunity for personal growth and godlike mindset.. Approaching challenges with a positive mindset, allows you to feel empowered to tackle any obstacle in your path.

Connecting with Your God Self

Connect to your will desire and beliefs, means tapping into your highest self and becoming a god. Here are some ways to connect with your inner self:


Set aside time each night to create a meditative state, connect with your self. Focus on your breath and visualize yourself emanating the black flame from within. Feel its flames burning the impurity as you chant:
 Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas
over and over as you feel the power rising from within
use this meditation from Satania


Practice gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life. Be thankful everyday when you wake up and find at least 3-5 things that you are thankful for. When you appreciate what you have, you attract more abundance and positivity into your life. 


It is important to have a like-minded community to connect with.

Connect with others who share your values and beliefs, Join my FB Group and Sign up for my Newsletter

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can strengthen your God within


Your power comes from within, by tapping into your personal power you will gain godliness and inner strength.

Cultivate your power through self-illumination, personal liberation, through a positive mindset. You will be able to easily achieve your godlike state without relying on any external source.

Spark your Black Flame through meditation, gratitude, and communing with like-minded people, you can help keep you tapped into your highest self and achieve true inner power.

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P.S. If you're looking to connect with a community of like-minded individuals on the journey to unlocking their personal power, I invite you to join my community. We support each other in our growth and offer resources and guidance to help you tap into your inner divinity. Click [here] to join us!