Traci Moon

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Invocation to call upon Lucifer

The Morning Star and the Evening Star

Both names are given to the planet Venus, which appears as a bright star-like object in the sky. In many cultures and spiritual traditions, Venus is associated with love, beauty, and harmony.

Invoking the spirit of the Morning Star by day and the Evening Star by night can be seen as a way of tapping into the different energies and qualities that Venus represents at different times.

The Morning Star is associated with new beginnings, vitality, and action. Invoking the spirit of the Morning Star by day can help one to tap into these energies, to start new projects or initiatives, and to take bold and decisive action.

On the other hand, the Evening Star is associated with relaxation, reflection, and introspection. Invoking the spirit of the Evening Star by night can help one to tap into these energies, to wind down after a busy day, to reflect on one's experiences and feelings, and to connect with one's inner wisdom.

Overall, invoking the spirit of the Morning Star by day and the Evening Star by night can be a way of aligning oneself with the natural rhythms of the day and night, and of drawing on the different energies and qualities of Lucifer.

Invocation to call upon Lucifer

Lucifer, I invoke you with reverence and respect for the courage and fortitude to acquire healthy self-love, leading to honoring the 'Temple of the Adversary".

May the Luminous Fire burn ever so bright as the Black Flame within me, sparking the divine consciousness of being.

As the Liberator of mind from mental slavery, i exercise my right to have courage to explore and master the darkness from within. I rebel with purpose for wisdom, strength and power.

I am empowered to master this life by finding pleasure and enjoyment here and now, by continually evolving and refining my consciousness.

I use the art of magick for illumination to command change according to my will, by use of the Black Flame, the Luminous Fire that the descended Angels freely gifted to me to master the earth through the laws of Belial.

I create my path and destroy the light, which attempts to gather weak sheep, based on daily choices. I waste no empathy on the unworthy and ungrateful.

through this strength, i lift others up, educating others to attain their potentials even when it becomes difficult if i have made the oath. I practice this honorable character through discipline.

I take responsibility for my well-being through life and eventually death though self-love to sustain me on the left-hand path further growing my strength & power to becoming my own god.

I develop myself as a sorceress on this path as evidence of the Adversary using the Deific Mask of Lucifer, wielding the power to manifest in this world as a god.

Thank you, Lucifer, torch bearer of Venus: Light Bringer as the Morning Star and Night Bringer as the Evening Star!

I AM Love. I now apply this gained wisdom today, as a result of insight from the Black Flame.

Ave Satanas, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan

TRACI MOON Divine Path Psychic

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