Traci Moon

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You Are Not an Outsider, You Are Waking Up!

Are you going through a spiritual awakening?

We are exiting the age of Pisces and entering into the age of Aquarius. This is the time where we are having revelations of truth that expand our collective consciousness with humanity. There is great turmoil shaking things up. Some may call it a crisis! We are evolving and outgrowing the old values from the Piscean Age. They are falling off like an old pair of shoes. This change is taking place, and as Edward Cayce stated, it will be a “gradual change”. So, you have most likely been feeling and sensing the shift for a few years now. We all get to make choices, I don’t call them mistakes, only choices. Depending on how you understand this conscious shift, is how your life will be affected by your new understanding of spiritual laws.

Forgive yourself, you are doing the best you can!

“Spiritually Awakening”

If that is you, you may be finding that it is a lonely journey, due to the fact that your friends and family are falling off like flies! The thing to remember is that if they are in a low frequency vibration, such as fear, shame, control, jealousy or guilt... then it may be time to let them go.

You are to stay with love or above in order to remember who you truly are. you are a Spirit in a Body.

When you start raising your vibration, there are many techniques to staying in a higher vibration. The thing is, when you wake up thankful and grateful for what you have, you have already started your day out with loving thoughts. I have been going through this process for quite a few years now. When I lived in a very loving and supportive environment I was ascending quite quickly. I was eating a clean diet, working out, meditating, and information was opening my eyes. I was on a roll!

Websites that helped me along my Journey to Self-Love and Awakening:

  • Hay House World Summit:

  • Tapping World Summit:

  • Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Meditation:

There were instant downloads of information that began updating my outdated belief system along with universal support to back-up this spiritual awakening journey to self-love.

I moved back to the States, 2.5 years ago and found a 15 month astrology program that I wanted so bad! I didn’t have the funds, but I was trying to figure out how to get the money, and my desire was so great, that everything just fell into place. That is when things started to change. I was learning so much and researching astrology every day and it all made complete and total sense to me. I applied my astrological knowledge to my Tarot background and decided to start a business in April 2018. My dreams and desires were to help people find out who they are at soul level and give them tools to make good choices for themselves on a spiritual level through the discovery of self-love.

This is when I decided to stand in my knowledge and understanding without any fear, but when I did, I ran into opposition with family members that I had not had any contact with for about 10 years.

They were now living within stones throw proximity of my home, where we actually run into each other at the grocery store. My “new” thoughts, identity and belief system was challenging their old christian beliefs and they decided to attack me on spiritual levels.

I didn’t really think anything of it because I was studying happily at home and not socializing at all. It was kind of a secluded but not too lonely journey of discovery due to the fact I joined many online FB groups and made friends in those groups that became my support system.

I have been working on getting my book “Today's Tarot by Wendy Higheagle” back into print as well as studying as many occult subjects, as much as possible. My world was fine and happy. Until one day, I noticed a young cousin in the store flipping her hair, turning the other way and ignoring me. Then it was happening more and more with other family members. It turns out that the Christian family deemed me a disgrace to the family, and they decided to disown me. Ha! They told all the kids in the family to ignore me and go the other way. Well, ok. It was just awkward. This is a very small town. The once supportive family turned toxic. They were spitting hate vapors at me hoping I would crash and burn. There was animosity growing between family members and toxicity that was beyond fighting. The gossip behind my back was growing through the Christian community and members of the family to the point they decided to “kick me out of the family circle”...

I decided to just dive under the chaos and continue my practice, helping others. There was nothing I could do about all that, but move on. The more time was going on and the more I was raising my vibration, I started noticing that no-one in the family on either side, was in alignment with my soul's purpose. There were some VERY toxic family members that I had attachment to, so I started doing cord cutting rituals, which I now also offer to my clients online!

Cord Cutting Rituals

Cord cutting is one of my most popular services, and I have done so many within the last year that I have lost count! I want to emphasise this because when we have cords connected to people that are out of alignment with our new way of life in a new consciousness, the lower vibration people are still connected to us, draining our energy. They manipulate our energy body, sucking our life force from us. It is time to acknowledge our energy body and take the proper steps to protect ourselves from these energy vampires!

I started cutting out one person at a time, and then the next, and then I realized that my physical body is no longer who it used to be. I had such an awakening, and my spirit guides showed me that when I call forth my grandparents, and cut the cord to them, through them, all the rest of the family would also be cut off, so that it became unnecessary to cut each one out individually.

I renounced any vows that I may have made in this lifetime, and all past and future lives, so that my body, mind and soul can be set free. What I realized when calling forth the grandparents, was that I came through both sides of the family, the masculine and the maternal, in order to stand in my awakening as an entity... the divine Goddess I was called to be from the beginning. I now step in this responsibility to help free others from the limitations set upon them from their environment, family, beliefs, labels, identity, thoughts, etc.

Just because we were born into a family with core beliefs, does not mean we have to live like they do. They are free to choose what they want, you do not have to change them. You can set yourself free to be that divine soul you desire to be, just by making the choice.

“Believe it or not, I thought I was going to be sad, by blocking and cutting off all the family members, however I had the opposite feelings occur. My spirit body needed to sleep for a few days, as the spirit body also takes time to heal, but after that, I felt set free!” ~Traci Moon

EFT ~ Emotional Freedom Technique & Meditation

I have a routine practice of EFT tapping, when my emotions get out of control. This helps calm my fight/flight response and relieve my body of stress. I signed up for Davidji's meditation course that you can buy at, to get into a meditation practice. Everyone is different, and their awakening process is going to be different. The point is, that you are not alone!

At first you may think the worst part of awakening, is losing people that you loved for years, and to see them fall away. Its hard when they don't understand or accept you. They judge you and hurt you. They may even ignore you and throw their nose in the air when they see you.

If you are feeling this right now, I have so much sympathy and understanding for you! This spiritual awakening is not fun. It can even make you question your sanity!

The thing is, there is no reason to hide your truth. If you are into Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Magick, Yoga, Kundalini, Tai-Chi, Chi-Gong, Martial arts, Dark Arts, Akashic Records, Past Life Regressions etc...or anything that is considered the “Occult” you are not alone!

Online Communities

Thank goodness for the internet and online communities. Here you will find lots of support and answers to most of your questions and concerns, as most likely your friends and family are not in alignment with your new frequency. That's ok. Let them go.

You will find your soul family. We do not have that much time on Earth, to waste. The time flys quickly and this too shall pass. Stand in your conscious awareness. Do what you are called to do. Take the steps and remember that when these people fall away from your life a whole new world opens up. You are not going to be alone. There are others like you, on a path. Some cross our paths and stay, others enlighten us and some were a guiding light so that you can discover your truth. This is an awesome experience. This is your soul family. You must remember that you are not alone. Even if it feels like it.

Detach From Outcome

What we can do is allow ourselves time to change and detach from outcome. We can let go of people, beliefs, identity, labels, thoughts etc...

When people do fall away out of your life, even family members, know that there is something else that is better coming, it’s already in the works. Do not get stuck thinking about the process you just let go.

Trust the Process

Don't reminisce over the aspects. The less you think of the people you cut the cords to, the more freedom you will find.

They will be seeking the energy source that you cut the cords to because they have been getting fed through this energy cord for a long time, but when the source is cut off they no longer can get the fix they seek. It is your job to protect your Mind, Body and Soul by not feeding into this covert operation! There is magic to detachment, which is unconditional love. The only time you suffer is when you start identifying with who you used to be or how things used to be. Engage your life into a new way to think, feel and act in a way that you do not know.

You are not who you used to be, so start creating a new environment for a new personality to develop. Become free and detach from the old ways of thinking, feeling and acting. Let go of the story, so that you can generate your love and passion to do things in your life that bring you happiness.

Take the time to make a list of your friends and family. If they are toxic or attacking you in any way shape or form, think about doing a cord cutting to them.

See this form in the original post

List of Friends & Family

Get the Worksheet above: FRIENDS & FAMILY

Get out a piece of paper and make a list all of the friends and family members you can think of that you

  • want to keep in your life

  • and those that you might want to cut out of your life (or reduce contact with) this year.

When you go through this list of names, ask yourself if this person feels like they are draining or energizing your life. Anyone that is DRAINING your energy, cross them off the list! Ta Da!

Ask yourself:

  • What purpose does this person serve in my life or business on the grand scale of things?

  • Who is served by me keeping this person in my life?

  • Who will I need to become, in order for a healthy relationship and boundaries, to be fulfilled?

Then, ask yourself:

  • Is this person aligned with what I want in my life?

    Cross off all family members or friends that do not feel in alignment with your life purpose.

I have crossed people off my list and reduced contact with them, this does work somewhat, however, I believe it is an essential step to do a cord cutting in order to properly give yourself the healing and cut off the energy that they drain from you completely (instead of just ignoring the situation hoping it will go away). This does not mean they die or go away forever, but any future cords that you decide to nurture (or not) will be on your terms from there on out. This saves you time, energy and money in the long run.

Lastly, ask yourself:

What is the ONE Thing I can do to make life easier this year?

This is what you will work on this year!


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