6 Step Plan to Manifest Money 💚 (or Anything Else You Desire)

The 6 Step Plan to Manifest Money 💚 (or Anything Else You Desire) by Napoleon Hill

As Napoleon Hill says:
If you do not see great riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your bank balance”.


Anchor into reality the exact amount of money you aspire to attain. Word your statements to be very specific.

Step 2.

Determine how you will pay it forward, succeeding the possession of the money you acquire. Nothing comes for free.

Step 3.

Establish a precise date in which you expect to acquire this money.

Step 4.

Create a specific plan to carry out your desire even if you are not equipped, begin immediately and put the plan into motion.

Step 5.

Write out clear concise statements describing the amount of money you aspire to attain. Name the time limit for the acquisition, state how you will pay it forward and describe clearly, the plan in which you intend to accumulate the money. This will be writing out Steps 1-5 on a note card that you will place in your possession and repeat daily until the money is obtained.

Step 6.

Read your statement at least twice daily. Once upon awakening in the morning and once again before going to sleep at night. Think, Act and Believe that you are in possession of the money you desire. The emotion of feeling the possession of this money, is essential. You must feel what it is like to be in possession of your desired outcome. Do not get discouraged, again, you must persist for at least 72 hours for neurons to form the antenna to wire and connect to the Field.

Keep persisting and applying the principles in this 6 step plan. Desire it by creating a vivid visualization and repeat it until you are in possession of this money, that is already yours. Transmute your old way of thinking.

For Example:

Your statement might look something like this:

  1. On June 22, 2024 I will have in my possession $24,000 which will come to me in unspecified amounts from time to time during the provisional arrangement.

  2. In return for this money, I will give the most efficient and value packed quality personal services of which I am capable of.

  3. I will provide these services as intuitive tarot card readings, past life regressions, astrology birth chart readings, tarot courses and written books to study, that I make possible to purchase through my company Divine Path LLC. I believe this money is in my possession.

  4. My faith is so strong that I can see this money and touch it in my hands.

  5. It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time and in the proportion that I deliver the products and services in return for it.

  6. I am awaiting a plan for getting this money and I will follow this plan until it is received.“

Place your statement beside your bed and repeat this program out loud upon awakening and before you retire at night, visualizing it daily.

Carry a copy of your statement with you and create an environment that associates with this new program. Add books, affirmations, vision boards, and other tools that represent your new life. Think, Act, Feel and Believe it is already done.

Affirmations in the Present Tense of I Am
I Am the Great, I Am)

You must start using statements that are in the present tense, which makes them in the here and now. 'I AM' statements. When you use present tense statements, it tells the brain that it is in the here and now. The function of the mind is to make the program real, so by stating “I AM, successful & happy”, then in essence your mind will fulfill this statement and make it a reality in the body. It is important to live mindful in the here and now.

  • I Am delighted and grateful that money comes to me through numerous sources extending continuously beyond pre-conceived proliferating capacity.”

  • I Am loved and accepted completely as I Am. I love myself specifically as I Am.

  • I Am forgiving myself. I forgive myself. I Am forgiving others.

  • I Am formable and adjust to change swiftly. My mind is brimming with only loving, fresh and prosperous thoughts. Every day in every way.

  • I Am happier and wealthier. I Am staying prosperous.

  • I Am sleeping great every night. I Am fresh every morning. I love exercising and I exercise every day. I Am grateful for my strong body. Every cell in my body radiates healing. I Am strong and powerful. Every organ, joint, tissue, and cells in my body are healthy and repaired in every aspect. I Am full of vitality.

  • I radiate pure unconditional love. I Am grateful for everything that I have. Thank you! Thank you. I Am a beautiful being inside and out. I Am funny. I Am delightful to be around.

  • I Am trust -worthy. I trust myself. I Am worthy of consideration. I Am worthy of shining.

  • I Am always in the right place at the right time. I say exactly the right thing, at the right time to the right person.

  • I love and approve of myself. I Am passionate about the person I am choosing to become.

  • My deepest desires are being fulfilled. I Am loved and accepted exactly as I Am.

  • I love myself.