5 Steps You Can Take for the New You
Reflect, Refresh, & Recreate Your Life
Knowledge can make all the difference.
1. What would the higher version of yourself be doing this year?
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This is a time of REFLECTION
This is a time to concentrate on what you want to Create, or ReCreate. If something worked out that you really loved Plan on how you can maintain that. If it did not work out, even if it was something that you Really wanted, but it is not reaping the desired outcome, it is okay to cut it out, so that you can concentrate on what does work.
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." - Aristotle.
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2. What is the first step towards your future that you can take right now?
This is a time of REFRESHING
The first step you can take is to live in the present moment. Right Here, Right Now.
And Be Thankful and Grateful for what you have, So that you get more of what you want! Picture yourself successful and what you need to do to get there, then surround yourself in people who support your choices. Stay Hydrated!
“There's something about water that washes away the cares of the mind and heart.”
― Patricia Robin Woodruff
3. What do you want to achieve in the long-term?
This is a time of CREATING
Set your intentions: NOT Resolutions that you never fulfill. This is Getting in Touch with Your Wishes, Dreams and Desires.
It’s very important to know what you want, even if it sounds crazy to others. We don’t want to tell others what our dreams are, because they will sabotage it. This is something that you want to keep to yourself. You can create a vision board on Canva, or even make space in your mind, where you go to picture exactly what your future looks like in perfect form.
"Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come." - Luke the Evangelist.
4. What do you think your future self will remember about you now?
It’s always a good idea to ask your future self, what you can do in the now to get where She/He is. How to create the life you want is one of the most important things to learn. The future self will thank you for making the choices to get where you want to go, because even if there is a huge sacrifice, such as walking away from a 30-year marriage, Your future self will thank you for your bravery and execution!
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”– Walt Disney
5. What do you sense you need to create to step into your power?
This is a time of CREATING
Use your intuition. A great way to do this is to step into the Mind-Heart-Gut Coherence. This is where we really step into our personal power and make choices for our greater good! Clear out the energy that keeps you blocked. Richard Flook has outlined 5 steps to start your journey to healing. “The magic comes from combining all 5 steps” in the order he has listed in this article.
Have love and passion to do things that bring you happiness —Traci Moon
If you want to know more about what I offer to get clarity through a tarot card reading and intuitive counseling, contact me personally. Email Traci Moon or Call me
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