Animal Familiars: A Witches Familiar

Animal familiars have been a part of humanity, folklore and mythology for centuries.

  • They are known as a spirit guide, animal familiar, a power animal, and a supernatural being that assists you on your journey through life.

  • From black cats to owls, bears and beyond, these creatures have been said to possess magical powers and to assist their human companions in a variety of ways.

  • In this post, we'll explore the concept of animal familiars and what they mean to different cultures and traditions.

First, let's define what an animal familiar is.

  • An animal familiar is a supernatural creature that is said to assist a witch, sorcerer, or other magick practitioner in their work.

  • The animal familiar is often seen as a spiritual entity that has been called upon to assist with magic spells and other mystical practices.

  • In some traditions, the animal familiar is thought to be a demon or evil spirit that has been summoned to do the bidding of the witch or sorcerer.

  • However, in other cultures, animal familiars are seen as benevolent beings that offer guidance and protection to their human companions.

The use of animal familiars in magick can be traced back to ancient times.

In Egypt, for example, cats were seen as sacred animals and were believed to possess magical powers. The goddess Bastet was often depicted with the head of a cat, and it is said that cats could see and hear spirits that were invisible to humans.

In medieval Europe, black cats were associated with witchcraft and were often seen as familiars of witches. It was believed that witches could transform themselves into black cats and that the cats could help witches with their magick spells.

In Native American cultures, animals were seen as powerful spiritual guides and helpers.

Different animals were associated with different traits and characteristics, and people would often look to animal spirits for guidance and inspiration. For example, the eagle was seen as a symbol of strength and wisdom, while the bear was associated with healing and protection.

Today, animal familiars are still used in many other witchcraft traditions and practices.

In Wicca, for example, animal familiars are seen as spiritual guides and protectors. Wiccans believe that each person has an animal familiar that is uniquely suited to their personality and needs. The animal familiar is said to assist the witch with their magic work and to offer guidance and protection in their daily life.

In modern Luciferianism and Satanism, familiars may be viewed as symbolic representations of the practitioner's desires or inner selves. Familiars can also be used in ritual practices as a means of connecting with spiritual energies or entities.

In conclusion, animal familiars have been a part of human mythology and folklore for centuries. Whether they are seen as spirits or daemons, these creatures have played an important role in magic and spiritual practices throughout history.

While the use of animal familiars may be controversial in some cultures, for others, they remain an important part of their spiritual beliefs and practices.

What is your Familiar? Do you want one? Reply to let me know either way.