Traci Moon

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Astrological Birthstone Guide

What is your astrological birthstone?

How ancient knowledge of crystal healing for the 21st Century can help unfold your new reality

I am here to help you find your astrological birthstone along with the properties associated with it.

  • I am an astrologer and a jeweler in addition to a master tarot card reader & Past Life Regression specialist.

  • I made a chart for the 12 months of the year in association with the name of the gemstone, the meaning, which chakra it is related to, what colors the gemstones come in as well as your astrological sign with the dates.

You can work with the frequency of the birthstones.

Each gemstone vibrates at a certain frequency although they all are unique and individual, just like us humans.

  • To see if you are in alignment with the frequency of a gemstone, you can do muscle testing.

  • For instance, I found a box of rubies at a farmers market in southern colorado at a booth. I dug through them and picked out the ones that resonated with me.

  • One way of finding out if they resonate with you or not is by doing muscle testing.
    If you have NOT heard of muscle testing, you can check out my youtube videos on Muscle Testing.

    Utilize gemstones in order to support you in your endeavors.

  • Let’s say you are going on a date with a new person.

  • You can carry specific stones with you on the date infused with a clear intention, such as magical combination of Rose Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone and Morganite in order to attract love and happiness.

  • You can even add Amethyst to the mixture to add in a splash of enlightenment and inner-peace.

  • These frequencies help your heart radiate these qualities.

How to Cleanse & Program Your Astrological Birthstone

It is relatively simple to cleanse your astrological gemstones.

  1. Cleanse the stone by putting it under running water. This, clears any of the energy embodied into the stone.

  2. Program your astrological gemstone with a certain intention with Brain & Heart Coherence

  3. Set an intention for the gemstone

    Hold the gemstone to your third eye and visualize yourself full of happiness and love.

    Joy should come to mind if you are setting an intention for a great impression on a first date, for instance

  4. Then hold the astrological gemstone to your heart chakra.
    Let the frequency of love radiate from your heart into the gemstone.

  5. Prepare a Ritual by including a specific color of candle, such as pink or white.

  6. Burn an incense stick

    Use correlations to love and happiness, such as the Tibetan Rose rope incense.

    Rose is the symbol of love and purity.
    This incense is said to have a soothing effect on the emotions, particularly grief, depressions, and resentments.
    This incense lifts the heart and eases nervous tension and stress.

  7. Pass your astrological stones through the smoke of the incense.

  8. If you have a sash, you can put the gemstones into the sash and add in herbs as well.
    This gives you the Water, Air, Earth and Fire elements to work with.

Gemstones can bring enlightenment, balance and empowerment.

January Astrological Birthstone

  • Garnet:

    Meaning: Victory in battle, protection, fertility, healing, illumination, soldiers & travelers wear this stone to ensure a safe return home. Garnets spark clarity and peace of mind. They purify and vitalize the bloodstream. Harmonizes the forces of kundalini. Stimulates the pituitary gland, aligning the frequency of love and compassion.

  • Root and the Heart Chakra

  • Red, Rainbow of colors in virtually every hue, even blue!

  • Aquarius Zodiac Stone: Garnet

    Jan 21 - Feb 18  

February Astrological Birthstone

  • Amethyst

    Spiritual protection, emotional balance, meditation stone for balance and peace. Sober. Blood cleanser and energizer. Enhances right brain activities. Helps with headaches, see through illusions and enhances psychic abilities while directing channeling abilities. Strengthens the endocrine and immune systems.

  • 3rd eye and crown chakra.

  • Purple

  • Pisces Zodiac Stone: Amethyst

    Feb 19 - Mar 20

March Astrological Birthstone

  • Aquamarine

    Strengthens your thyroid, liver, kidney and spleen. Purifies the body by reducing fluid retention. Enhances creative self-expression & clarity of mind. Physical/mental/emotional balance. Inspiration, calmness, peace & love. Meditation stone.

  • Throat & solar plexus Chakra

  • Blue

  • Aries Zodiac Stone: Bloodstone

    Mar 21- Apr 20

April Astrological Birthstone

  • Diamond

    Alleviates blockages in the crown chakra as well as the personality. Master healer. Brain functions. Eliminates negativity. Purifies the etheric and physical bodies. Good for cord cutting. Mirrors power and will of God. Full spectrum body/mind/spirit energies. Aligned to higher-self. Purity, faith, innocence, abundance.

  • All Chakras

  • White

  • Taurus Zodiac Stone: Sapphire

    Apr 21 - May 21

May Astrological Birthstone

  • Emerald

    Tonic for body/mind/spirit. Enhances dreams, spiritual insight and meditation. Divinity within. Prosperity, balance, kindness, love, healing, patience.

  • Heart & Solar plexus

  • Green

  • Gemini Zodiac Stone: Agate

    May 22 - Jun 21

June Astrological Birthstone

  • Alexandrite

    External & Internal regeneration. Nervous system, pancreas & spleen. Emotional and mental alignment. Spiritual transformation. joy of being ONE.

  • Crown chakra

  • White or Color Changing

  • Cancer Zodiac Stone: Emerald

    Jun 22 - Jul 22

July Astrological Birthstone

  • Ruby

    Regenerating the spiritual & physical heart. Enliven blood and the body/ mind connection. Gets a sluggish or dormant energy to start moving on the spiritual and physical level. clarifies passions. Courage, joy, power, leadership,

  • Heart chakra

  • Red

  • Leo Zodiac Stone: Onyx

    Jul 23 - Aug 23

August Astrological Birthstone

  • Peridot

    Regulates glandular system, tissue regeneration, heart, pancreas, spleen, adrenals and liver. Purifies body and blood. Increased intuition. alleviates stress. Opens doors of opportunity.

  • Sacral, solar plexus and heart chakra

  • Green

  • Virgo Zodiac Stone: Carnelian

    Aug 24 - Sept 22

September Astrological Birthstone

  • Sapphire

    Stimulates psychic ability, inspiration, clarity. Creative expression, passion and love. Connects the higher self and spirit guides. Cosmic awareness. Gets rid of confusion. Meditation stone.

  • Third Eye and Throat chakra

  • Blue

  • Libra Zodiac Stone: Chrysolite

    Sept 23 - Oct 23

October Astrological Birthstone

  • Opal

    Stress relief, balance masculine & feminine. Helps eyesight & intuition. All chakras.

  • Tourmaline

    Sleep aid. dispels negativity & fear. Protection, inspiration, sensitivity and understanding. electromagnetic. Black; root chakra Watermelon; root, heart chakra Green; heart chakra Blue; third eye and throat chakra Red/pink; heart and root chakra

  • Sapphire

    Stimulates psychic ability, inspiration, clarity. Creative expression, passion and love. Connects the higher self and spirit guides. Cosmic awareness. Gets rid of confusion. Meditation stone.

  • Multi-color

  • Scorpio Zodiac Stone: Beryl

    Oct 24 - Nov 22

November Astrological Birthstone

  • Topaz


    Spleen, gallbladder digestive organs, nervous system, liver. Tissue regeneration. Detoxifies the body. Awakening, inspiring, warming. Naval and crown chakra


    Regeneration of tissue. Strengthens thyroid, and metabolism. Balances emotions with peace. Creativity. Enhanced psychic ability. Direct communication with higher self & spirit guides. Third eye, heart and throat chakra

  • Citrine

    Heart, kidney, liver, digestive organs, colon, gallbladder. Regenerates tissues. Detoxifies , emotional/mental/physical bodies. Reduces self-destruction. Boost self-esteem. Alignment with higher self. Cheerful, hope. Warming, energizing and abundance.

  • Crown & naval chakra

  • Yellow or Orange

  • Sagittarius Zodiac Stone: Citrine

    Nov 23 - Dec 21

December Astrological Birthstone

  • Blue Topaz

    Regeneration of tissue. Strengthens thyroid, and metabolism. Balances emotions with peace. Creativity. Enhanced psychic ability. Direct communication with higher self & spirit guides. Third eye, heart and throat chakra

  • Turquoise

    Strengthens the body. Lungs & respiratory circulation. aligns chakras, meditation and creative expression. Peace of mind, balance emotions, communication. Loyalty and friendship.

  • Throat chakra

  • Blue

  • Capricorn Zodiac Stone: Ruby

    Dec 22 - Jan 20

  • May this bring awareness to the gemstones so that you can tune into your spiritual transformation.

  • The gemstones can be worn on your body next to your heart by carrying them in a medicine bag.

  • You can put them in your bra, or in your pocket and even sleep with them under your pillow.

  • Some stones can even be placed in your water glass to absorb the healing properties. Beware of which ones are toxic as to avoid issues.

  • Do what feels right for you.

You may also enjoy the following page to further your knowledge on birthstones: Click the links below to learn more…semi precious stones

Birthstones by Month

Negative Personality Traits

modern day calendar

Top Healing Stones and Their Characteristics

Wiki Defines Birthstone

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