Have You Heard the Call?

I am here to remind you to share with the world.

  • You are love. It’s time to step into your capacity to light up! Hold the light when you face fear, there is a beauty in not knowing. It gives us the process of learning and having the steps to progress in life. Its a time to surrender and enjoy the journey.

  • Take your power back. We don’t have all the answers but we do have wings! If you decide to do something you care about and you fall, then your wings come into action and you can fly to safety.

  • Grace operates in our life and there shall not be a feeling of dread for being different. Situations are set in place for us to learn and improve our thinking and communication. If you set your intention to share what you learn than you are choosing to be a seed of light.

Have you heard the call?

  • It’s time to make a conscious decision to be an earth angel. We all want to feel good and desire to add something good to the world. We have so much love and beauty and joy to share with the world.

  • If you have been sober for 10 years, and you decide to go out and party with drugs or alcohol, let the thought pass so that you are able to be present in your life and add beauty to others lives. If not, you will fall to the bottomless pit and you may not be able to share your light with the world. If you have overcome this in the past, don’t make the same mistakes, leave the toxic decisions in the past.

  • Communicate with the Higher Realms, your Guides, Angels and Ascended masters and recognize how special you are. Point out the beauty in others and be a warrior of compassion. Put the passion back in compassion for humanity. Speak truth. Be as productive as you can to create beauty for others and yourself. Be the person who inspires shifts in others mindfulness. Inspire love, health, growth and friendships. This is for the greater good of humanity.

The Light in Me, Honors the Light in You! Namaste

Here is a Song I Wrote and Sang,
Music Composition, Video and Produced by Sascha Pieler, Sound Engineer in Fuerth Germany. Enjoy!

Music written and composed by Sascha Pieler:

Sascha Pieler began playing drums at the age of 15. Shortly there-after his grandmother bought him his first drum set and just two years later, by the age of 17, he played for several, local rock bands such as SALE, Biscuit Circus, Jazz Lag and Pluto 23 to name a few.
His interest in music sparked a flame as he made a special type of music that played with your hearing skills called Hörspeil.

At the age of 18 he studied at Future Music School in the year 2000, where he developed an interesting mixture of Jazz and improvised it to electronic music with his computer. He made the music 'Toen'.

With this fascination he decided to start a DJ project called Coma Club. Where he made experimental sounds, set with lights as listeners relaxed in their lounge chairs.


With this new awareness and professional development he began playing with an Indie Tronic Band called “Clocks” that was and is quite successful.

Sascha started his own independent record label, Fat Orange, which became a platform to create parties and concerts and produce music and videos in his new Surfer Shack recording studio. Within the walls of his Studio, he produced artists such as­ Red Herring and UnterHund.

He is a professional Drummer, DJ, Stage-Hand and Musician, who incorporates Audio Engineering, Video and Lights as well as music production and live recordings. He is a down to earth person who is not only qualified but also great to work with. Give him a call and make a booking today!


Be an instrument of Collective Will. Quotes by Traci Moon

“When you WILL, something into being, you can apply it and evolve. You will serve a higher purpose”

“You alone, can change yourself, and gain enlightenment”

“Past life regressions build bridges into other dimensions”

”Have Love and Passion to do things in life that bring you happiness”

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