Live Beyond Your Boundaries: Awareness, Mindfulness, Orientation and Permission
Live Beyond Your Boundaries:
Awareness, Mindfulness, Orientation and Permission
Tap into the Field of collective consciousness by aligning your daily life to your new identity by letting go of old habits that your ego and subconscious programming created for you through repetition and the absorption of beliefs from others around the age of 0-7 years old.
You are able to be a part of pure consciousness by living in the here and now, this awareness aligns your divine soul to the infinite power of creation, through mindfulness. Orientate yourself with the infinite divine Field which aligns with your higher self. Give yourself permission to make a change to the outdated beliefs that hold you back from creating the life you truly desire.
An infinite flow of creation resides inside your very essence that permeates through you into the outside world. If you bring your awareness to the habits that weaken your perspective, you are able to nip them in the bud, which gives you an opportunity to create something new. Perhaps there is a belief system you downloaded from other people that you have now outgrown due to conscious research. You may be worried about what others think or feel about your new point of view. This comes from your ego. Step aside and resonate with pure consciousness.
The habits you created over time, that no longer resonate with your new lifestyle may be creating unwanted feelings and emotions.
Be mindful of your every move. If you are out of alignment by staying within your old boundaries and aligning instead with your ego, through low vibrations of doubt, worry and fear, take note that it is only a distraction from your ego. Your body will continue to do what is familiar, the old habit so to say. You must find the comfort in the discomfort by telling your body what to do by creating a new way of feeling, acting and perceiving.
The moment you detach from the ego, your life path effortlessly unfolds on its own. Alignment with your true self becomes easy. A path will light up to show you how to get from where you are now to where you want to be. Like a navigation system the orientation will direct you in the shortest, easiest way possible. You are able to easily create your new personal reality by stepping out of the old habits, ways of thinking and doing by exploring a new personality. You simply can not keep doing things the way you always have, that is like running into a wall over and over again expecting different results.
Set up a new environment in your house, car, work etc., and start living a new self empowered life by creating a new routine. Get up in the morning on a different side of the bed, wear different colors of clothing than you normally would, style your hair in a new way and take a different approach to life empowered by your emotions. Create a new routine which in turn creates a new habit, the new habit creates a new value and the new value creates a new belief. Talk to yourself differently, listen to high vibrational music and encourage yourself instead of beat yourself up. Get into a new flow so that you can empower your life by making choices that will create what your conscious mind desires, instead of living out the old program over and over again. It is okay to give yourself permission. And if you need the extra push, I give you permission! You may be the only one on this path in your family or friend circle. It is possible that you will outgrow these people and will identify with a whole new set of soul family members who may or may not be blood relatives. Its okay! You are not alone. There are other people like you who are also forming solidarity within themselves and with each other.
There is power in numbers and it starts with you! Be the catalyst for self empowerment. Find the comfort in the discomfort and get into alignment by orientating with your higher self.
Mindfully live in the now. Give yourself permission to change, no one but yourself has the inner power to do it for you! Reaffirm and produce this new awareness by living in ways that reflect this new reality. You might be surprised to find others following in your footsteps, but even if the people you are outgrowing do not follow you, its ok. Let them be. You do not have to carry their burdens. If it is holding you back from being who you are called to be, then let it go. Don't look back. Be the example you want to see. If you are attached to toxic people, places or thoughts you can do a cord cutting ritual and set yourself free.
If you are interested in finding out more about cord cutting, you can read my blog about it and simply send me an email to set up an appointment.