Luciferian Points of Power

Luciferian Points of Power

By Traci Moon

Apply your Will, Desire and Belief to create change in your life by implementing this self-care practice, so that you are living the life you choose, the relationships you desire and business you want.

These points of power are straight out of Michael W. Ford’s book: Apotheosis. If you don’t have the book yet, Michael Ford gave me permission to offer you the 11 Luciferian Points of Power from his book as a Free Guide, which you can sign up for above this Blog Post. When you enter your email, you will get instant access to the guide. I suggest you print it out and reference it as we work along through the points through the next weeks.

Scroll to the bottom of this post and enter your email to join my email list and get your free Guide
Xo Traci

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