Intellect, Wisdom and Power

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Luciferian Points of Power:
Intellect, Wisdom and Power

How I personally apply the Luciferian Points of Power in daily life.
Examples for Entertainment & Enlightenment Purposes:

Point 1

Lucifer represents the light of INTELLECT, WISDOM & POWER unique to the individual with the courage to ascend to this responsibility.


There is only self-excellence. There is no such thing as perfection.
We must hold ourselves accountable for our own thoughts, actions and words.
We alone are responsible for our decisions and consequences or outcomes. How you perceive yourself, and go about daily life in thought, words and action is the first Luciferian point of power.

It is important to have self-love.

For instance, in my life and experience, I understand it is inevitable that we are all going to age and grow out of our Hollywood youth appearances at some point in life. What others think, say or do that may offend us based on age related issues, would not affect us so much if we put in our own acceptance on self-worth and love and acceptance.

Just because some young man says, your older friend looks way younger than you or compares you to other women based on the wrinkles on your face, this does not warrant a knee-jerk reaction to his “innocent” perception or an attack upon him.

As we obtain wisdom from the Left-Hand Path, we reach levels of Apotheosis, developing strong character, based on self-discipline of the thoughts and words we speak about ourself as well as the actions taken.

This is an opportunity to bring personal power to yourself, based on the light of intellect.

Self-excellence comes in all shapes and forms, masculine and feminine. Each person has weaknesses and strengths.

What is hard for me, may not be hard for you. The point is to learn how to obtain and use personal power by applying knowledge towards your long and short-term goals in life.


It is important to maintain self-control by using reason and logic. While, it does hurt my feelings to hear about how “old” I look compared to other women, I must use my intellect to liberate myself to destroy the restrictive dogma that makes me feel uncomfortable by gaining a new perspective and level of insight, which brings me power through the experience.

The restrictive beliefs and fears revolving around “age” helped me identify my weakness and insecurities which gives me the opportunity to strengthen myself using discipline of my thoughts, words and actions that I have learned upon the Left-Hand Path.

No matter what anyone says or the actions they take to hurt me, on purpose or not, are specifically based on my own perception and the actions I take are mine alone. This gives me the opportunity to reject weakness, and to embrace my own strengths, doing away with the slave-mentality.  It is my personal responsibility to identify with the Adversary which helps me evolve, and in turn, conquer my weakness of insecurity. It is important to have disdain for slave-mentality and to develop your mind and thoughts to perceive the actions you take as your own responsibility.


I could get mad, blame the other person for judging me and making me feel bad and in return, make their life miserable, but that is weak. I must apologize for my weakness and insecurity where I have bent underneath the dogma of my indoctrination. And Move On!

I shall no more embrace that weakness causing myself and others misery. Instead, I put on the Deific Mask of the Adversary and embrace that weakness, turning it into my strength as a Luciferian.


There is a basic structure of which to follow on your journey down the Left-Hand Path and that is to understand the concept of Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis, as stated by Michael W. Ford. This trinity is the Key to attain balance of the Light and Darkness / creative and destructive forces in your life. The identification of a restrictive belief is the moment the “Black Flame” is ignited. Self-illumination leading to conscious awareness is the goal.


The next step is to identify a strategy on how you will break the limited belief to bring about self-transformation and become in alignment with the Adversary until the flaw is conquered.

As you gain knowledge to overcome the obstacles, your power grows from within. You begin to break down the indoctrinated social conditioning therefore, liberation is inevitable. Self-evolution comes from consistency and repetition as you create a new healthy habit.

When you focus your energy to attain your goal by overcoming a restrictive belief, you gain valuable insight which invites wisdom and power into your life by acquiring tools and knowledge which are applied towards your illumination.

You must find the comfort in the discomfort, despising the very weakness that seeps in, killing your spirit which infects your thoughts, words and actions. Persistence in conquering this force will bring illumination.


This is the process of recognition which unveils the conscious deification of yourself.

Honor the achievements you have experienced through your transformation and self-accountability. You alone are responsible for your growth from conquering and destroying the restrictive belief and reinforcing the experience of creating a strong belief in yourself through your thoughts, words and actions which are willed and determined by your goals. Your imagination is the limit.


Each person must shape these concepts to fit your life and experience so that you can achieve the deepest intensity of transformation to manifest into your own personal Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis while focusing on your own Will, Desire and Belief.


In completion, I am a strong-willed Luciferian, dedicated to liberating myself from the bondage of limited beliefs, insecurities and low self-esteem surrounding my aging physical appearance which is inevitable… in the light of the morning star by day, and the evening star by night.

I deliver myself unto the liberating power of my godhood using the Deific Mask of the Adversary, where I acknowledge myself as beamingly beautiful throughout quantum space and time due to my knowledge and practice of the Trinity: Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis.

Thank you, Watchers, for delivering the forbidden knowledge unto me so that I can unlock the Luciferian Spirit and light the Black Flame within myself. I embrace the mastery of the Unconscious and Conscious Mind opening the gateway of Cain.


“Woe unto them! For they have gone in the way of Cain” – Jude 11

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—Traci Moon

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