Open Your Mind & Think Differently About Tarot, Astrology & Magick

It’s Time to Think Differently

What is it that Traci Moon does differently than other tarot readers?

One of the main reasons people struggle with the idea about getting tarot readings, intuitive counseling and black magick rituals, is the general lack of understanding on the occult subjects of tarot and magick which usually encompasses a completely skewed set of expectations towards the Dark Arts and Occult Knowledge sometimes based on Hollywood’s display of fear-based movies as well as the general rule spewed by pastors who engrain fear around the fiery pit of hell and eternal damnation for those who partake in the hidden knowledge.

Those who are not able to leave behind the traditional way of thinking about these subjects will essentially miss the boat on the benefits of Tarot Readings, Intuitive Counsel and Magick rituals that can help them out in life on a very personal level. It’s time to take a “bite off the apple” and see what self-transformation will do for you personally this year.

The subjects of the “Dark Arts & Tarot”, means something different to an individual who lives in the indoctrination of the church, in opposition to someone who has read up on the subjects and understands some of the ritual practices of tarot and magick. Understanding of these subjects develops through self-gnosis, self-illumination and ultimately this is when your Black Flame is lit with the knowledge that “Magick” comes from within. Willed action is required, which influences the change you desire. The results you experience will be through a process of refining and enhancing and eventually, transformation takes place.

I create a distinct desirability for my tarot readings and magick rituals because of how I enable the clients to pin-point what is no longer serving a purpose in their lives, and provide them the tools to let the past go, then bring in a whole new perspective.

When you work with me applying the Traci Moon Method, I am not just delivering a tarot reading and counsel, I am accessing hidden knowledge through self-gnosis and the lit Black Flame, to help you transform out of the position you are in and into a new way of life through advanced energy clearing techniques.

I have set up a distinct protocol for you to identify what the issues are, how to release yourself from them, clearing your life according to your will and desires and beliefs, to fully show up in life, according to your highest good. I walk you through this process with laser-focus on your results. This journey creates a desire within you and inspires you to access your dreams, making them a reality.

You will be able to create the life you want, by releasing yourself from that which is holding you back, setting yourself on a path for your highest good, which begins to surroun you on a daily basis.

We will be creating an experience together that crystallizes in your memory. These moments create the change that will last a lifetime. You may want to share this experience with your friends and family and maybe even social media. By creating these special emotions, they become significant and sustain through the sands of time. These moments do not happen by chance, but rather because of the carefully orchestrated multi-layered steps of action we will take together through the Traci Moon Method.

Extreme value is created in such a way, that it would never serve your higher purpose to continue to live the old way of life. That which held you back from the life you desire, is eliminated and becomes nothing more than a faded memory. Embrace the power of now by utilizing the tips, tools, tricks and techniques that I have carefully laid out in the Traci Moon Method so you can enjoy your newfound freedom.

What would you like to leave behind, so that you can feel free, happy, and alleviated from your suffering?

You have the power to access deep transformation, becoming who you truly want to be, and live your life without fear or being held back.

You can change your life, and I am here to help you, along the way.  

Are you ready?

The next step, is to get in touch with me to start mapping out your journey.