The Path to Wholeness

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The Path to Wholeness

People are out there in the world telling you who you are, it is noisy and tempting, with glittery and shiny objects. There is a noisy world telling you who you are, giving you doubt of who you are to begin with. You have to leave your old self to understand the value of yourself.

Sometimes you must also leave friends leave friends and family behind family behind in order to gain a better understanding of who you are. Then you must face the demons you created, facing them, owning them, understanding yourself through them.

Leave Friends and Family Behind

There is no escape, you will end up paying a huge price, for not knowing who you are. You are the rightful heir of a throne. You are meant for something more. When you realize this, your life completely changes forever. The sword, which represents your mind contains incredible power. Don’t doubt yourself thinking “who am I?” This life is your birthright. Take your throne and become a living god. Life is never so easy.

Master Your Mind

Your sword has power and you must learn to master it controlling your thoughts. It’s hard in the beginning. You have to do this whether you want to or not. The secrets of life won’t reveal themselves right away. You have to learn as you go. This is the start of your dangerous journey, facing toughest of challenges, treacherous enemies, powerful demons, and the shadow self.

Hero's Journey

Choose Your Path, Your Path Chose You

Moving forward on your path you might have second thoughts thinking that this is too much for you. Doubt seeps in your mind wondering if you can even do this. Perhaps yelling out that you didn’t ask for this. This can be your darkest moment, throwing the sword away, wanting to go back to an uncomplicated time.

Mysterious supernatural intervention swirls beneath the dark waters.

Deep waters

You get a glimpse of the future and a vison of what will happen if you refuse to utilize your mind. There is suffering, tragedy and a dark future. It is at this time you realize that you alone are the only one who can stop this from happening. It is now up to you to create a new future. You are then open to a renewed sense of purpose that you start utilizing your mind. You find your allies, and together fight to reclaim the life you deserve. This is the story of your journey where you explore your personal path to freedom.


Claim Your Authority

You have the divine right and royal authority over your life and no one can take this away. You are royal and can claim your throne. This is your divine nature, as you are born into this world, you may have forgotten who you are, and the world that tells you who you are and that you are powerless. You must define who you are for yourself or the forces that are in place will tell you who you are, that does not line up with your divine nature. You can explore other lives you have lived with a Past Life Regression.



Take back and claim your divinity and authority by identifying your power by looking within yourself. You must let the false self which was built around you by what others told you about who you are and break down this false narrative. Buried deep within your mind, is your true authentic self which contains the divine power that you alone can tap into and wield by the realization of the moment you have a choice. You are the master over your life and fate. You are on a journey of creating and destroying the reflections of deeply universal truths you discover in your life.


 There is not an end, to our growth, because when one thing ends, another story begins again as we go through the stages of life. Each time setting out on a new journey which guides you through crisis and obstacles you face along the way.

This is about going into the dark where you confront your deepest and scariest things you can imagine, the dark secrets which hold you back in order to bring them to the light for transformation. In this process you discover meaning and fulfillment which helps you transcend your limitations.


Tragedy Strikes

Maybe you were living an ordinary and mundane life, but intuitively just beneath the surface, it felt like something was about to happen. Life brings up an unexpected event that shakes up your whole world in an uncomfortable way. This was the calling to your next adventure. In this case it’s unpleasant, but it’s the things we never expected or wanted to happen that are exactly what pushes up to grow into the next stage of our lives.

You cannot ignore the call, because the issue will keep presenting itself to you in a variety of ways until you answer. You will start to see your state of mind lining up with meaningful coincidences. When you go through major life crisis you start experiencing synchronicities which you have access to through your unconscious mind which shares concepts of universal ancestral memories. You find the archetypes appear as the Empress, Fool, & the Magician.

Being the Magician happens when you choose to go through the gateway on your journey through life. You choose to face the demons of the ended relationship depression, or the loss of a loved one. It takes courage and strength to face these head on and rebuild your life. The seed of potential is cracked open as a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Think this as a blissful encouragement to ask yourself what you are here to learn, and how you can evolve.

Find what you are passionate about and you will discover your greatest gifts. Listening to your intuition and tuning into a frequency vibration, you will begin to experience synchronicities which show up in your presence, such as Angel Numbers like 222, 444, 666. Doors will open just for you to pass through that no one else can even see.

You are not just chasing pleasure for pleasure’s sake this is where you find your meaning and fulfillment. This is when the Black Flame (consciousness) is sparked from within.


When you go within, your higher consciousness will present you with a vision on how to restore your world. As you set off on a quest to find this missing piece, you cross the threshold and enter the gateway to the darkness in your soul. Your fear guides you along the path, as this is the only path and you must go alone and there is no going back. This leads you to the realization of your SELF and how to become the best version of you. In order to emerge, you must face the darkest parts of who you are, the places you are most afraid to enter, alone.

If you refuse your personal journey, despair, and ignorance will enslave you back into the Nazarene sickness which you were escaping from through apotheosis, and the seed of potential will remain buried and this will become your personal prison. You must leave your old self behind before you can create a new one. You must have love and passion in life to do things that bring you happiness.


There will be a series of trials which may be some of the most difficult challenges you ever had to face. You will face some of the most terrifying things you ever have thought of. This is why most people choose to not go to the dark side. Your fears hold you back, instead of helping you grow. Leviathan, represents the Dragon, of which everyone is a scale upon. This is a symbol of confronting your shadow self. The darkest parts of yourself that you must explore to bring to the conscious mind. As you use your mind, the sword, you realize that you are learning to master your Self.

Your mind helps you confront your past in order to conquer your inner demons, which lead you to realize you can utilize the deific masks to help you on your path of transformation by Invoking and evoking these energies deep within your Self to bring them to the surface. The Cave of Lilith holds the treasure you seek.


The experience of loss is something that all living humans must face at some point in life. It can be traumatic, where you lose your job, health, or someone you love leaving your world shattered and in shambles. The reality that once was solid now, crumbles before your eyes.


Dark Night of the Soul is the hardest thing we ever have to face. It makes us wonder if there is any reason at all to continue on this path. It is in this moment, you felt broken.

The mentor and guide must die before they get to see us succeed this is indescribably painful. Unfortunately, this is the way of the world. One person must die in order for someone else to take the throne. No one can live forever and no flower holds its bloom. There comes a time in our lives where our parents must cross the threshold, leaving their body behind.

The previous generation leaves us, and it is up to us to carry on. There is an imminent moment of death, that everyone must face. There is also sometimes a symbolic death where something must be destroyed in order to create something else. The divine strength within you is revealed when tragedy strikes.

This strength comes from out of nowhere enabling you to expand into the person you were destined to become. You must let the old life go, so that you can live the life that is waiting for you. Take care of you through self love techniques.


Time is an Illusion

As one journey ends, another begins, things will never be the same, as you have been reborn.

You faced your dark-side and conquered it. The most rewarding moments of life appear only after you have gone through a struggle. The gift that you gain is wisdom, the experience, the perspective, and these would not have appeared without going on the universal journey. All your rewards are accessible and placed just on the other side of your deepest fear.

By necessity you had to do things you never would have done and faced things you never would have faced, and entering into the unknown. This return to the beginning, is where you share the lessons you have learned with the world. You faced the most terrifying things you could imagine, and here you are, still standing. Every dawning of a new day brings a new call to adventure. 

This is the woman who recovers from a drug addition, The man who forgives himself for not paying attention to his body and has failing organs he now has and the woman who learns to forgive herself for the accident that ended her best friends life, something she is at fault for.

This is the search for atonement.

Our lives pass like a twinkling of an eye. Whichever way our lives unfold, the wisdom gained through this experience is added to the collective consciousness.

Thankfulness goes out to our ancestors that came before us, and compassion overflows to all the people that will find transformation in their lives because you decided to choose to go on your personal journey with the courage to face your dark side which led to your apotheosis.

Thank you for Loving Yourself and Showing up the way you do.

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