Planting the Seeds of Intention with the New Moon

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Planting the Seeds of Intention with the New Moon

Tap into a new vibration to calibrate with the New Moon.

This vibration, done on a collective conscious level, is bringing enlightenment to humanity.

This is a great time to get into alignment with your higher-self by planting harmony and balance.
When the New Moon is in Libra. This gives us a strong need for harmony and balance. There is no desire to rock the boat or disturb the peace. This is a time to learn to know that it is okay to share your good and bad feelings. Do not be afraid to be your true-self no matter what others think about you.
Enjoy being inspired by beauty and art. The changing colors of the leaves and a walk in nature will surely do the trick.

New Moon Rituals

  • New moons are used to plant “seeds of intention” that are in alignment with your beliefs. This will help to create new beginnings and new ideas that shake us up to put us in action mode.

  • Scorpio Moon is focused around change, so think about your beliefs, thoughts and emotions to start creating something new.

  • Thoughts happen in our upper chakras where we imagine the quantum possibilities.
    Thoughts are represented or also known as swords in the tarot.

  • Emotion happens in the lower chakras. Where we experience Love & Fear.
    Emotions are represented by the cups in the tarot.

  • Feeling is the marriage of Thought (our mind) and Emotion (our heart).
    Feelings are represented by the Strength card in Tarot.

  • Your Belief translates quantum possibilities into reality.

  • The Heart produces the electrical field that creates your reality.
    So in essence, whatever you believe, “good or bad”, creates your reality.

    This is a time to raise your vibration so that positive manifestation happens.

    This is a great time to take our thoughts captive and bring the good thoughts into your heart to see if it resonates with you.

    When it does, the two become one.

    The thought and emotion become the feeling, which resonates with your heart and brings what you desire into your reality.

    This is how our prayers are answered. I am getting really excited about this quantum physics vibration!


Now, I wanted to just take a moment to help you get centered and focused for the remaining portion of your day.

Take a long deep breath in through your nose and breathe it out slowly through your mouth. Put your hand to your heart, and feel the vibration that your heart wants you to feel, dropping from your mind, into your heart. Hold a feeling of Care, Gratitude, Compassion and Appreciation. As you go about your day remember to check in with yourself by simply remembering that your heart resonates your beliefs and you create your reality. Positive Vibrations are Being Sent Your Way!

Stay heart focused and have fun creating your reality with quantum possibility.

Namaste —The Divine Spark within me recognizes the Divine Spark within You!

Traci Moon —The Luxury Witch