Secret Practices of the Occult (2023)

Self-Discovery, Illumination, and Liberation

The occult has always been shrouded in mystery, with many believing it to be nothing more than mere superstition.

If you seek a deeper understanding of the world around you, accessing ‘hidden knowledge’, can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, illumination, and liberation. Let’s explore some of the methods I use in the occult and how they can help you achieve your goals.


Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are a very well-known tool originating in the late 1400’s which is used in the occult to access hidden information.

  • There are 78 cards in a tarot deck, divided between Major Arcana the Tarot Keys, and the Minor Arcana, comprised of 4 suits related to Spiritual Physical, Mental, and Emotional realms.

  • Tarot cards are used for divination, and can help you gain insight into your past, present, and future.

  • By laying out the cards in the Celtic Cross, you can gain a deeper understanding of your situation and the choices available for your highest good.

    Check out my blog article on Unlocking the Mysteries of Tarot here.



Astrology is a stellar tool used in by occult practitioners.

  • It involves the study of the planets at the time of your birth and the transits that happen each day are important because hey affect human behavior and events.

  • Getting your birth chart read by an astrologer can help you understand yourself better.

  • You can use the consultation to better prepare yourself for the coming weeks and help yourself overcome any weaknesses to turn it to your strength.

  • Astrology can also help you make important decisions, such as surgeries, or days to accentuate your beauty or even when to start your business or launch a product.



Meditation can be helpful for transformation of your mind and body for self-discovery and illumination.

  • Focusing on your breath, helps you quiet your mind to be in the now to gain insight into your thought process and the emotions that come up.

  • This helps you become aware of your mind on a conscious level.

  • Meditation can also help you improve your overall well-being by helping to negate negative thoughts and emotions, therefore gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you with more compassion and empathy.

    I like the Solfeggio Frequencies, myself.



Rituals go hand in hand with the occult as a tool for transformation filled with intent.

  • By getting into a habit of creating rituals, you are able to tap into energy to create the life you desire by setting your intention.

  • Rituals help you connect to your higher self, and desires so you can have a willed outcome.

  • You can attract positive energy, love and money into your life.

    Read my other article on the Black Adepts Guide to setting up a Ritual Altar.


If you're interested in exploring the occult for self-discovery, illumination, and liberation, I'm here to help.

As a professional occultist with years of experience, I can guide you through various tools and methods and help you achieve your goals.

Whether you're looking for a tarot reading, astrology chart, or meditation guidance, I offer a range of services and rituals tailored to your needs.

Contact me today to book a session and start your journey of self-discovery and illumination.

Contact Traci Moon