How to Make a Sigil

Create a Sigil

  • Sigils for Personal Growth

  • Sigils for Manifestation

  • Sigils for Success

  • Sigils for Protection

  • Sigils for Love

  • Sigils for Money

  • Sigils for Luck

Sigils are an efficient tool for personal growth, enlightenment, and manifestation. They are simple to create and can be used in a matter of minutes.

Have you heard of sigils before? Don't worry - this post will give you a comprehensive introduction on what they are, how to create them, and how to use them to enhance your life.

So, what exactly are sigils, you may ask?

 Sigils are symbols that are charged with intention, making them a unique occult tool for manifesting your desires. They are often used in magick rituals, In fact, anyone can create and use sigils to enhance their life and achieve their goals.

Creating a sigil is a simple process: Sigils for beginners

The first step is to write down your intention or desire. This could be a sigil for love, sigil for money or a sigil for luck, for instance. Follow his process to make a sigil for love.

This can be anything from "I want to be more loving" to "I want to attract abundance into my life." Next, you'll want to remove any repeating letters from your intention, leaving only the unique letters behind.

For example, if your intention is "I want to be more loving," you would remove the repeating letters "i, n, t, o, e, " which leaves you left with "w a b n r l v g."

  • Once you have the unique letters, you begin to create the sigil. There are several ways to create a sigil, but a well-known method I will cover here is to combine each letter into a unique symbol.

  • You can use any form or design, you don’t have to use every single letter, you can add or remove elements as you see fit. It is important the sigil is made as simple as possible.

  • You will probably draw it out, making it several times before you find the best result.

You can create a sigil using paper and a pen, wood and wood burner, or draw it in the sand as well as many other ways, be creative. Everybody is able to create art from their own level of awareness.

Some of you are professional artists and some are just starting out.
If all you have is a crayon, color pencil or pen that if also fine.

Use your knowledge and skill sets as you see fit.

As you create and draw out your sigil you can repeat your desire out loud using your voice to repeat the mantra as your draw it out, to charge the sigil with your intent and plant it in your unconscious.

Once you've created your sigil, you will charge it with your INTENTION.

There are many ways to do this, but one common method is to:

  1. Light a candle at your altar

  2. Meditate on your sigil while you deeply focus on your intention.

  3. Visualize your intention while gazing into your sigil.

  4. You can chant an affirmation or simply focus on the intent in your mind, while observing the letters in your sigil forming your will as you sit at your altar in the candle light.

Now that you know how to create a sigil, and charge it with intention, it's time to start using it.

It is advised that after you have created your sigil, and charged it with your intent, you must erase it from your mind. You want to see it as if your intention is already done. This step is OPTIONAL depending on your working and intention.

  1. You can burn the sigil in the candle flame at your altar in a fire-safe bowl,

  2. you can burry the sigil in the sand or

  3. wipe the sigil from existance.

  4. For instance, your subconscious mind must release the sigil in order to forget about the magick that was done. in order to set it in motion you want to completely forget about the ritual altogether.

On the other hand, some magickians discovered it to be useful to keep the sigil on you as a piece of jewelry, or engraved in metal, or worn as a talisman. This will completely depend on your predilection. This is your path, you can create the sigil, set the intention and find the best way for you.

Try each method out, and see what works the best for you.

I have created a video to show you how: I created a sigil for my Baby Kitty as well as a necromantic ritual to bind us together, to help spark your creativity.

Remember there is not really a wrong way. Do what feels right for you. Enjoy.

Using sigils for personal growth, enlightenment, and manifestation can be a tool to a transformative experience. Whether you're looking to overcome a challenge, achieve a goal, or simply enhance your life, sigils can help you get there.

If you're interested in learning more about sigils and how to use them for personal growth and manifestation, I invite you to join a sigil workshop.

In my sigil workshop, you'll learn everything you need to know about sigils, including how to create them, charge them with intention, and use them to enhance your life.

 Do you want to learn how to make your own powerful sigil? Simply leave a comment or DM me.

Contact Traci Moon to reserve your spot and start your journey towards personal growth and enlightenment with sigils.